Not So Suffering Succotash

Shared by Michael Pinkerton, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Serves 1


  • ½ Cup Corn Bark
  • ¼ Cup Dehydrated Lima Beans
  • ¼ Cup Dehydrated Bell Peppers - Green, Yellow, Red
  • Pinch Garlic Powder
  • Pinch Cayenne
  • Pinch Salt & Pepper

At Home:

Pack all ingredients in a 4x6 or sandwich size Ziploc bag.

On the Trail:

Pour contents of bag into pot, put enough water to cover dry ingredients by ¼ inch and soak for five minutes. Put on stove and heat until boiling. Boil for two minutes, then put pot in coozy for ten minutes.

Serving Suggestion:

If desired, you could add ham to this recipe.

Chef Glenn's Comments:

Lima beans often don't rehydrate well in backpacking meals. They remain hard. If you use them, precook them for at least ten minutes before drying. You could also dry frozen mixed vegetables for a very colorful meal.

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