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May 2020 Trail Bytes: How to Dehydrate Tofu - It Works!
May 18, 2020

A couple of years ago, I placed a few thin slabs of firm tofu in my dehydrator. Considering that tofu is dense and high in protein, my expectation that it would dry well was low. After several hours in my Excalibur dehydrator, the outside of the tofu was hard, but the inside was still moist.

Determined to come up with some way to incorporate tofu into backpacking meals, I ended up blending tofu with chickpeas, diced tomatoes, and curry seasonings. It made a nice bark, which rehydrated into a tasty sauce with rice and vegetables.

You can revisit that issue of Trail Bytes here: Tofu & Chickpeas Curry with Rice & Vegetables

A Suggestion from Readers...

After that newsletter went out, a couple of readers suggested that I try freezing tofu before drying it. With apologies, I finally got around to doing that this month.

Freezing the tofu, along with slicing it thinly and cooking it in seasoned liquid before drying it, made all the difference in the world.

The tofu project turned out to be larger than what I would normally put in a newsletter, so I made a permanent web page for it at BackpackingChef.

Here: Dehydrating Tofu

It shows several ways to add flavor to tofu before drying it, and provides recipes for how to include it in meals, soups, and tortillas.

Make Delicious Meals with Dried Tofu

Rehydrated Tofu Meals above: Curry Tofu & Vegetables, Tofu Vegetable Soup, Tofu Noodles with Vegetables & Rice, and Spicy Tofu Tortillas. The tofu rehydrated perfectly.

You don’t have to be vegan to enjoy this healthy protein ingredient in your backpacking meals. Give dried tofu a try, and feel free to let me know how tofu fits into your trail menu.

Learn How to Dehydrate Tofu

Here’s the link again to the new page: Dehydrating Tofu

See you next month!

Chef Glenn & Dominique

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