Shrimp and Grits Recipe

All you need to complete this shrimp and grits recipe are peppers and onions. I don’t miss the pat of butter that I might have added at home.

Grits are thirsty, so use less grits and more water than you would if cooking rice. Stir your grits a little after they start bubbling and then place the pot inside an insulating cozy for ten minutes to complete the job.

I use instant grits instead of regular grits for backcountry cooking because regular grits take too long to cook- which sucks up fuel.

Serves 1


  • ¼ Cup instant grits
  • ¼ Cup dehydrated shrimp
  • ¼ Cup dehydrated peppers and onions
  • Pinch of garlic powder (optional)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste

Cheddar Cheese Option:

  • 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp cheddar cheese powder
  • 1 Tbsp powdered milk
  • 1½ cups water

At Home:

Click to learn about dehydrating shrimp or dehydrating peppers and onions.

Pack cheddar cheese and milk powder in 2 X 3 plastic bag and enclose with other ingredients in a 4 x 6 plastic bag.

On the Trail:

Combine all ingredients except the cheese and milk powder in pot with water and soak for five minutes

Light stove, bring to a boil, and continue cooking for one minute.

Remove pot from stove, stir in cheese and milk power, and place inside insulating cozy for ten minutes. Add a few spoonfuls of water if needed.

Try this meal with a side of broccoli as shown.

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