Crab Chowder Recipe

The saucy base ingredient for this crab chowder recipe is corn bark. To make corn bark, run a can of creamed sweet corn through a blender and dehydrate it. You can also blend mashed potatoes with corn to make a tasty chowder base. For pictures and instructions, see How to Make Corn Bark.

I use imitation crab meat for this crab chowder recipe, but don’t let that stop you from using the real thing. Imitation crab meat usually comes in one pound bags found in a refrigerated case near the seafood department. Buy the chunk style. See the dehydrating meat page for imitation crab meat drying instructions.

Don’t forget the celery! Be sure to include at least a tablespoon or two. I slice celery stalks in half long ways and then cross cut into eighth to quarter inch thick pieces. Dehydrate at 125° for six to eight hours. Celery loses most of its original volume when dried and therefore a small quantity will flavor your meal nicely.

Serves 1


  • ½ Cup Corn Bark
  • ¼ Cup dried crab meat
  • ¼ Cup dried vegetables- celery, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers
  • 1 Cup water

At Home:

Pack all ingredients in a 4 x 6 or sandwich size Ziploc bag.

On the Trail:

Combine ingredients in pot with one cup water and soak for five minutes.

Light stove, bring to boil, and continue cooking for one minute.

Remove pot from stove and place inside insulating cozy for ten minutes.

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